Are you numb?

How do you spend time on your weekend?

Are you alway in a “rush”? Are you planning so much activities for yourself to rush?

Have you ever stop and ask yourself,

“Why must I keep rushing even though in off day?”

“Why can’t I slow down my pace and live slowly?

“What is my ultimate aim in life?

“What do I want?

Some of us, we might not getting enough rest during working days. Sometimes, we are too tied up with office works, house works and others. We might not sleep enough and also sleep well.  Instead of making lots of plans, why not take time to let your body to have a good rest?

You feel immediate radiant and recharge after you get a good and deep rest!

You feel immediate radiant and recharge after you get a good and deep rest!

You’ll notice that your mind is sharper and faster, your body is lighter and you are so alive and alert.

A simple sharing that you might not able to notice what is happen around you when you are too tired…

Look closely to the road…Some portion is so clean and some portion is full of dry leaves...

Look closely to the road…Some portion is so clean and some portion is full of dry leaves…

When you are too tired, busy and not mindful, you might not notice what is happening around you, “You are numb.” In actual fact, there is a lot of beautiful things and moment around us. What is needed? To be awake and aware!

When I was stayed in a resort, I just wonder why the road is clean without much dry leaves. Sometimes, we might assume this is the normal way, however, the truth is  “somebody” is cleaning it and we can enjoy the “clean path”. We might miss out our gratitude to “invisible group of people” who help to clean the environment.

Allow yourself to take a good rest during off days!

Allow your fresh mind and recharge body to discover and enjoy the beautiful things and beautiful moment around you!

Have a beautiful weekend!










8 responses to “Are you numb?

  1. It is amazing that in times of rest, people continue to rush as if their life depended upon it.

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