Chrysanthemum flowers…

Chrysanthemums are  the most common type of traditional funeral flower. Chrysanthemums are used to convey feelings of future optimism and joy for grieving families and friends.

Due to this reason, some of us might misunderstanding that Chrysanthemum flowers only for “FUNERAL.”

In Chinese tradition, chrysanthemum is categorized under four nobles one. It was a subject matter in ancient painting.

Buddhists are fond to offer the chrysanthemum flowers on the alters.

The chrysanthemum symbolizes autumn & the gathering of the harvest. In this case, it is a metaphor for achieving the goal of enlightenment & its accompanying peace.

We should think by using our right understanding in broader perspective, no matter what is the meaning of the flowers. The most important lesson is to understand that LIFE IS IMPERMANENCE, everything is decaying, noting is unchanged. Treasure every moment in life and live at NOW.

Let’s take a walk to check out the beautiful Chrysanthemum flowers.

The beautiful path of yellow Chrysanthemum flowers. Full of fragrance and also vibrant color. Life is beautiful!

The beautiful path of yellow Chrysanthemum flowers. Full of fragrance and also vibrant color. Life is beautiful!

Nice color combination!

Nice color combination!

Chrysanthemum:The decent air of independence, under the frost rather than the powerful.

The decent air of independence, under the frost rather than the powerful.

What a great painting!  So Nice!

What a great painting! So Nice!

May you have a right understanding in your daily life.



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